Icing wind tunnel Wien

European aviation studies and strategies (such as RINGO, Fly the Green Deal, Flightpath 2050, Destination 2050, Waypoint 2050) state the necessity of new state-of-the-art testing infrastructure for EASA certifications of new products under extreme environmental conditions in order to meet the EU and UN climate targets. 

Rail Tec Arsenal already operates climate wind tunnels, the only test facility that offers the EASA CS-25 Appendix O “freezing rain” simulation. Originally focused on the rail sector, demand for an additional aviation dedicated test facility has grown. IWTwien will investigate the feasibility and applicability of a new, energy efficient icing wind tunnel for passenger aircraft, helicopters and drones. The main focus of the project is the technical feasibility, cost & financing options as well as sustainability and elaborating a governing concept involving industry partners including aviation OEMs.  

ADTs main tasks are

  • evaluating of the demand of a new facility, 
  • developing an operating concept & organising a workshop with the potential operating partners
  • elaborating a financing model and investigating possibilities of national and European financial instruments. 



Contact: Andreas Auer

Funded by:
TAKE OFF, Federal Ministry of Austria for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) via FFG Österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH

Project period: 1.9.2023 – 31.8.2024

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